Aw man, things got busy and I fell off the wagon a bit with the 23 Things. Though I'm told not as bad as some people, so at least we're all in this together.
"This week" (and by "this week" I mean two weeks ago) is about apps. I like apps! I am, as one would say, the kind of person who is "plugged in". I have my iPhone and iPad and Mac and my Evernote and calendars synch up between them so I can send myself messages or write notes and develop an increasingly horrid ability to recall or remember things. I like it!
Sidenote: As a kid, I watched Inspector Gadget a lot. I liked that show, and was particularly enthralled with Penny's "computer book". To have such a portable bit of wondrous technology was something I used to think about a lot, and play pretend with. (Holding a regular book and pretending it was a computer book in my head). I look at myself now holding my iPhone and all the things it does (some of them useful, some of them frivolous) and it BLOWS MY MIND. Especially facetime and skype and that sort of thing. We are living in the future. I feel bad for kids who grow up with it as normal who don't get to be as excited as we are.
Okay anyway. On to the THINGS. As it happens I have OverDrive on my iPhone and my iPad. I tend to use the electronic library for audiobooks rather than ebooks, and I quite love that. I can easily listen in the car or around the house. CHEAP SPEAKER PRO-TIP: just put your iPhone in a mug (one not containing any beverages) and the sound will be amplified nicely. I don't have any speaker dock thing for my phone, and I quite like the mug solution because it's more portable around my apartment.
I have BiblioNB on my phone as well. I have to say I don't use it a whole lot, as I spend a fair bit of time sitting in front of a computer (in the library no less) so if I want to search the catalogue I do it through Symphony. I can say, though, I like the barcode scanning functionality. I enjoy being able to be in a bookstore and scan a barcode to check to see if the library has copies, or even better, when I am in the middle of library purchasing, to use the app to check to see if we might have a copy already.
One more post left!
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